Quotes From "Jane Austen And Her Art" By Mary Lascelles

Landscapes we must owe something to the eye of the beholder. Mary Lascelles
When many story-tellers occupy themselves with a social world which offers no great variety of lively action, their stories will probably resemble one another as to many of the major incidents, and if they draw on these limited resources like spend thrifts such resemblances will be inevitable--and therefore not significant. Mary Lascelles
A clever girl may pass through the phase of foolish miss on the way to sensible woman. Mary Lascelles
A story conducted by the time of a clock and calendars alone would be a story not of human beings but of mechanical toys. Mary Lascelles
The artist (I suppose) usually pays for the privilege by some sort of partial insomnia, by the possession of one faculty that will not be controlled nor put to sleep. In a poet this must often be the visual imagination, bringing before his eyes a succession of images which he never summoned, and of which some (it is only too likely) will be ugly or pitiful. Mary Lascelles
Mannerism, especially when it takes the form of recurrent word or phrase, is by no means easy to represent; there is but a hair's breadth between the point at which the reader delightfully recognizes is as a revealing habit of speech, and the point at which its iteration begin to weary him. Mary Lascelles